This polish comes from Slovenia (I won it last year, thanks to KONADomania ), my second S-he! I tried it a couple days ago and fell in love immediately! A dark purple creme, fluid but easy to apply, (it doesn't run on cuticles), two coats on my pictures, except on index finger where I made a mess and had to apply another one, taken under electric lightning. Quite shiny, even without top coat! Concerning application I have to point out that I applied the first coat around 6 p.m., second on 8:30 p.m. and two hours later I went to bed (I was so tired!) The morning after no sheet marks at all! I'd like to understand if it's due just to the polish (it's marked as Quick Dry), the fact that two hours went by one application and another, or the different base coat I used (Essence Prowhite Rose instead of usual Poshe).
This enamel comes from the giveaway of KONADomania won last year and is the second S-h I feel. I laid out a few nights ago and I innamorataa! A very dark purple creme, with a density fluid but not run away when it extends, and two hands on (because I messed up three index). All photos were taken with artificial light, notice how shiny, without top coat! Among other things, I have stretched a hand to about six, to eight and a half and two hours after I crashed in bed the morning after he was perfect, without a sign! I must investigate and understand whether it is due to the enamel (the label it says Quick Dry), to the fact that in between mano e l'altra sono passate due ore e mezza o alla base diversa (invece della Poshe che uso di solito avevo addosso la Essence Prowhite Rosé).
This enamel comes from the giveaway of KONADomania won last year and is the second S-h I feel. I laid out a few nights ago and I innamorataa! A very dark purple creme, with a density fluid but not run away when it extends, and two hands on (because I messed up three index). All photos were taken with artificial light, notice how shiny, without top coat! Among other things, I have stretched a hand to about six, to eight and a half and two hours after I crashed in bed the morning after he was perfect, without a sign! I must investigate and understand whether it is due to the enamel (the label it says Quick Dry), to the fact that in between mano e l'altra sono passate due ore e mezza o alla base diversa (invece della Poshe che uso di solito avevo addosso la Essence Prowhite Rosé).
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