Tuesday, March 15, 2011

American Lock Combination Recovery -master

NOTD: Essence Multi Dimension 53 All Access

Direct sunlight - Sole diretto
Back again with some green: this is a discountinued Essence shimmer, a dark "pine green" very intense and pigmented. Easy application, polish is quite dense and one coat is enough; on my pointer finger I had to apply another one just because I messed it during drying, so that nail is slightly darker. 
Lovely, but now that finally I've tried it, I have to put it back, waiting for the next fall/winter (this happens when you buy more than you swatch :-)).
Shade - Bounce

Arieccomi with the greens, this is a shimmer Essence Out of print (ok, who have removed almost all colors except the last), super deep and pigmented. I do not know what to call it, "forest green"? The writing is excellent, the glaze is thick and just one pass, the index I had to give it two because I messed up (you see that is a bit 'darker). Now that I swatch I can put it back on, until the next fall / winter does not serve me (that's what happens when you buy too many glazes, I can not keep up with the seasons)!
Direct Sunlight - Direct sunlight
Indoors - Inside, natural light


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