Saturday, December 27, 2008

I Crushed My Rib Cage

Ascoli Piceno - Ss Peter and Paul

... A popular nativity which wants to emphasize the beauty of our countryside that stretch from foot of the mountains to the sea, the simplicity of country life tied to the land and its fruits, free from the hustle and consumerism, but at the same time a community "closed", that is distrustful of strangers, in which, as two thousand years ago, God is not satisfied with accommodation and a warm corner, but this baby is different and gradually warms the hearts of men, then prepare the fire, we offer the fruits of the earth, the doors open and the man ... is kidnapped by a cry that so reveals the immense gift of God.

We wanted to capture the 'moment of fearful amazement that you print the girl's rosy cheeks of Nazareth busy work day, just before the courageous abandonment to the Will of the Father ... ...
Quell 'hesitation that comes from the knowledge that only a' maid in the presence of 'High and become grateful beyond measure!
Miriam of Nazareth suddenly becomes clear that only with the consent of the humble, the Lord can do wonders.


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