Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kates Playground Rosie Set

Villa Pigna Foligno - St. Luke the Evangelist

The Nativity of the parish of Villa Pigna is produced by a group of friends who share a passion for some time of the Nativity: every Christmas a new project, a different realization.
The Nativity this year, more traditional, and contains some details:
-2008 is in the Church dedicated to St. Paul. In carrying out the landscape background was taken this into account: the pagan temple wants to be the sign of a birth that is only for the Jewish world, but for all humanity. S. Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, the one through which the proclamation of a God who becomes man becomes hope for every person on earth.

-group of the Nativity, presented with features of deep humanity, reflects the need for the family of Nazareth to become a model for every family in the world.
-There are no characters except the child who watches from a corner, almost hidden the mystery of a God who becomes man can be understood only "if you return as children." Rediscovering the ability to marvel at this mystery is the hope that we would do at all, first of all to ourselves.
With affection and simplicity always we wish everyone a Merry Christmas, hoping that the effort put into building our crib can be useful to all who visit to better contemplate the tenderness of God who became man for love.


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