Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quotes From Sji Patrol

NOTD: China Glaze Flying Dragon (neon)

Shade - Bounce
Amazing in the bottle: a fuchsia purple with light blue glitter, But a little runny and streaky When Applied on nails. It Took me three coats to Obtain the pictured result: it was really Difficult to catch ITS color in a picture, IRL it's "brighter" but not darker (I saw really "purple" swatches on other blogs, I think they belong to first/previous batches of polish). Once dry it has a satin finish (standard for a neon polish).
I love this color (despite the technical issues), it will be perfect also for a pedi this summer!

Electric lightning - Illuminazione artificiale
Nella boccetta è bellissimo, un viola fucsia con glitter azzurri, però una volta steso si rivela molto liquido e "a strisce", come una specie di jelly. Tre mani per il risultato fotografato (difficilissimo capture the right color, live is more intense, but not as purple as I've seen in some photos, if I understand it they were the first products), dry brushed (normal, having a baby). Despite the technical difficulties I really enjoyed this summer would see him well on his feet (I can not wait to come back the caldoooo)!
With Flash - Flash

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weapons For Long Range Shoot

NOTD: OPI Ink Suede

Electric Lightning - Lighting artificiale
Just a couple words for this polish: a wonderful purplish dark blue with suede finish (a soft shimmery satin). Two coats for perfect opacity, the polish is a little bit runny but usual post-application cleaning is enough to settle everything.
I'm a purple addict and I love this finish so this polish is a perfect match to me!
Note: OPI has been recently purchased by Coty and many bloggers ( Liz&Lauren and Brooke for instance) started questioning their cruelty free policy. According to PETA they still belong to the good ones. I feel doubtful and torn (as for The Body Shop, recently bought by L'Oreal), and you?
Electric Lightning - Artificial lighting
few words for this glaze, a beautiful violet-blue, or Suede finish is a satin shimmer (very soft), as well as application , the color is fluid and tends to overhang a little (but just the usual brush with the past + solvent at the end to fix). Two hands in my photos, I love it (and as a finish like that color).
Note: OPI has recently been purchased by Coty and several (eg Liz & Lauren and Brooke ) have wondered what would happen to their political cruelty free. It seems that they are officially still on the side of "good". I'd like to trust but it seems strange, since they are in the hands of a multinational company that tests on animals (as well as The Body Shop acquired by L'Oreal unfortunately) that you think?

Electric Lightning - Artificial lighting

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Toy Story Invitation Wordings

NOTD: S-he 464

This polish comes from Slovenia (I won it last year, thanks to KONADomania ), my second S-he! I tried it a couple days ago and fell in love immediately! A dark purple creme, fluid but easy to apply, (it doesn't run on cuticles), two coats on my pictures, except on index finger where I made a mess and had to apply another one, taken under electric lightning. Quite shiny, even without top coat! Concerning application I have to point out that I applied the first coat around 6 p.m., second on 8:30 p.m. and two hours later I went to bed (I was so tired!) The morning after no sheet marks at all! I'd like to understand if it's due just to the polish (it's marked as Quick Dry), the fact that two hours went by one application and another, or the different base coat I used (Essence Prowhite Rose instead of usual Poshe).

This enamel comes from the giveaway of KONADomania won last year and is the second S-h I feel. I laid out a few nights ago and I innamorataa! A very dark purple creme, with a density fluid but not run away when it extends, and two hands on (because I messed up three index). All photos were taken with artificial light, notice how shiny, without top coat! Among other things, I have stretched a hand to about six, to eight and a half and two hours after I crashed in bed the morning after he was perfect, without a sign! I must investigate and understand whether it is due to the enamel (the label it says Quick Dry), to the fact that in between mano e l'altra sono passate due ore e mezza o alla base diversa (invece della Poshe che uso di solito avevo addosso la Essence Prowhite Rosé).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Deathwatch Answers By Robb White Ch 14

NOTD: Essence LE Black and White - Top Coat 01 Make me holo

Shade - Luce indiretta
This is the second polish from Black and White LE that I bought, the "Make me holo" top coat. Actually it should have been named "Make me shimmer blue"! If used on its own it's a translucent sheer polish with rose and light blue little shimmers, two coats in my pictures. I  took them just for the record, it's a color I'd never wear alone.

Here is the second enamel of the Black and White: The top coat "Make me Holo" should really be called "Make me blue shimmer. Applied alone (two hands) is a translucent enamel with blue shimmer / pink spot pictures just for the record, is the typical color that never put :-)
Overcast - Overcast
This is what happens if it's layered - one coat - on a dark polish (base color is not that relevant):

If we use it - a layer - over a dark color is what happens (the final effect does not change much):

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cervix Low For Period?

NOTD: Essence LE Black and White - 01 Black Out

Shade - Bounce
I was Determined not to buy more polishes for a while But finding a well-stocked Essence LE Black and White display made me  give in; at least I didn't buy all three of them (just two :-P).
First one: the black  "Black Out", with "soft touch" finish, that actually means satin. Really beautiful but uber thick, you practically have to spread it on the nail in one coat. I left a bald side on my pointer finger and applied a second coat: messy! So I covered it with a shiny top coat, pretending to do that to show difference in finish :-) Plausible?
Note: reddish hand due to cold cold weather!
Direct sunlight - Sole diretto
Ecco, I had promised myself not to take other glazes and hand in front of a display Essence are miserably collapsed. But it was the LE Black and White (and I've only taken two out of three)!
The first is the black finish with Black Out "soft touch" which is basically a satin. Very nice but you have to do tremendous attention when stretched, because just one step but it is very dense (at least mine). In fact I had to give the index a second pass and I made a crap, so then I lay on a coat of top coat Kiko. Forgive the hands of a reddish color, it was cold!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thick White Back Of Tongue

KOTD: White M80 on Essence SYF 02 Deep Blue Sea

Electric lightning - Illuminazione artificiale
Electric lightning - Illuminazione artificiale
Some white konad (stamped with Konad Special polish) I tried on the previous blue mani, ( Essence SYF 02 Deep Blue Sea ) both patterns are from M80. On left hand I added a rhinestone to the ribbon pattern and on right one a heart shaped dazzling  (this design reminds me of a belt, with heart being the buckle :-P). At that time (two months ago)  I was a SAHM/student, I had so much time to do my nails!
Electric Lightning - Artificial lighting
Electric Lightning - Artificial lighting
Two simple designs (both from the M80) made in white (Konad special polish) on your nails blue Essence SYF 02 Deep Blue Sea: on the left a sort of "banner" to which I added a diamond on the right is a reason that I remembered a belt (!) with lots of heart-shaped buckle. At that period (mother unemployed student) I had plenty of time to fuck, I realize! Between the two I prefer the first, second I like the idea but then seen in the photos left me puzzled.

Direct sunlight, the day after - Direct Sunlight, the next day

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Green Egg Craigslist 2010

NOTD: Essence Show your feet 02 Deep Blue Sea

Electric Lightning - Artificial lighting
This is one of my first Essence polishes (Would be my aim to swatch all polishes I own, included the oldies and the "why did I bought it?" ones, be prepared to see anything), a navy blue shimmer, really easy to apply and opaque in two coats (maybe a thick one Could Be Enough, too). Quite shiny even without top coat.
a glaze that I had to swatch from one life (one of the first Essence, which I bought): I would like to post for each glaze that I have, including the old ones (and unfortunately in 2002 at a time of sclero I've thrown a lot) and those who have bought "chissàperchè" (type this) so be prepared to see everything. This is a dark blue shimmer well pigmented (two hands in my photos, but a super dense potrebbe bastare) che si stende molto bene. Abbastanza lucido anche senza top coat.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Banbros Amber Free Watch

NOTD: Essence Colour&Go 21 Fabuless

Direct sunlight - Luce solare diretta

When I bought this polish I thought it was a shimmering black, but actually it's a dark grey, with silver and blue shimmer. I liked it very much, anyway: it was almost opaque after first coat (slightly VNL see ring finger in next picture) but I applied another coat to have a completely opaque result  Application is easy, polish density is perfect; to complete the mani I used just Essence Dry Drops I know you see how shiny it is, even without top coat!
Direct Sunlight - Direct sunlight
When I bought it I thought it was black instead is a dark gray, blue and silver with microshimmer. I really liked: as early as the first hand is very pigmented, then I stretched out an extra layer, except sull'anulare to see the difference (see photo). The writing is precise, the enamel has a density perfect. I used to dry the drops Essence and then you see the brilliance of the glaze is all :-)
Shade - Bounce

Sunlight, detail - detail under the sun
Direct sunlight - sunlight

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lacrosse Custom Pinnies

NOTD: n. 6 Beauty Experience #35

Shade - Bounce
The first polish I try from this brand. I found it in a shop on sale, at € 1.99 (usual price is between 3 and 4 €) and bought it immediately, as I thought it was a pretty foil. It's nice and sparkly but it took four thick coats to achieve the pictured result (my coats limit is usually three, more means laborious/tedious to me); slow drying time. To see if it could be good for layering I applied a coat on a black creme: not bad! Now I'm using it for frankens, I love the sparkles it adds!

Indoors - Interno, luce naturale
Il primo smalto che compro di questa marca, trovato in negozio a 1,99€ (ma forse era in offerta, mi seems that the price is on the three-odd €) and bought on the fly because I looked like a foil. It 's very nice and sparkling but served four hands photographed for the result (and I lay thick, eh). Drying was also quite slow.
Just to prove I spread a layer over a black cream, not bad. Now I am using for Franken, I really like the sparkly effect that gives.
Electric Lighting - Artificial lighting
Overcast, over black - Overcast, layering on black